Sunday, July 03, 2005

I'd do her a favor if she gave me an A

For those of you who have received the May issue of The Brewer and Distiller, check out page 48 for the article over "Healthy Yeast." Its our good friend Professor Smart. I imagined some fat hag with a beer gut bigger than Stoneburg's. Not really. But I thought I would just pass the information along.
Oh can all stop worrying. I got a job which I start Tuesday; although, it is with my old company, Grainger. At least its money.
Matt, if you ever dont' know the answer, just say "Mass Spect." It might impress the owners. Good luck though. I hope Berkeley is awesome! I wish I was there.
Andrew's computer-illiterate ass says hi. He hasn't figured out how to post on this site. Take care all.


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