Sunday, September 04, 2005

Another one bites the grain dust...

It appears that I have joined the ranks of the non-Dip. Brews. Because my test results seem to have been eaten by a hungry USPS, I asked Dr. Lewis himself how I did.

Not too well, I'm afraid.

At least I'm qualified to practice process technology.

In case you guys don't know, I do have the worst, most illegible handwriting on earth, so I'm going to let that take some of the blame. But since I haven't even seen the scores, I have no idea yet as to how close I even came. Oh well.


Blogger Eric said...

You're in good company. As for the british mail system, I feel that your results have been lost to the bottom of the sea due to a dastardly move by a German U-boat.

4:19 PM  

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