Sunday, September 18, 2005

Prost! Posted by Picasa


Blogger sethatuml said...

Whats the story with all the budweiser serving devices? Please tell me that you torched and pillaged an AB brewery.

11:35 PM  
Blogger sethatuml said...

Alright, here's the deal about the Pats stunning loss this weekend. The league makes them lose one game every year so that all the other teams don't just give up in horror. Also, this is done so Colts fans can say "This is the year we finally beat them!" But we all know how the story ends. The Patriots set all kinds of records for being the best football team ever assembled, then win the Super Bowl by 3 points just to keep people thinking that the other team actually had a shot.

9:36 AM  
Blogger BrewerJeff said...

Yeah, the first thing I noticed was the Bud Light pitchers. Is New Glarus the next to be bought out by A-B?

12:10 PM  
Blogger Eric said...

I'll let you all know, that the pitchers were provided by the distributer... seems that they were fresh out of plastic New Glarus pitchers(because they don't exist). What you can't see in the pictures is the large keg trailer to the left. It has a huge Budweiser logo on the side, multiple taps, blah blah blah, oh yeah, and there was New Glarus and Miller lite pouring out of them... (don't worry Mike, there was some Bud Light too)

5:07 PM  

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