Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Changing Peeber?

Apparently the price of Tettenang hops are going up. Because of this, the makers of a certain beer with the initials PBR are looking at ways of phasing them out. A certain brewery that I may or may not work at is running trail runs of special batches with the new hop recipies to find a suitable replacement. More on this story as it develops...


Blogger Eric said...

Sounds like I'd better stock up on what'll soon be vintage PBR... oh, don't worry, you'll all be able to have some whenever you want, just see my auction on ebay... I'm banking on fools paying the big bucks for "real" PBR

5:05 PM  
Blogger sethatuml said...

Well, if you're stalking up on PBR, might as well stock up on the Olympia too. Because today, I found out that theyre exactly the same beer. Pabst Co. has lots of beers like that; Same beer, different can.

God Bless Advertising!

12:23 AM  
Blogger sethatuml said...

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12:24 AM  
Blogger sethatuml said...

Oh yeah, and if I want REAL PBR, I'll just go out to my package release cellar and do a tank-stand on 1800bbls of fresh, unpasteurized greatness that is the blue ribbon!

12:25 AM  
Blogger BrewerJeff said...

Man, I don't think I've had PBR or Olympia since I left Cali. I should pick up a 12-pack this weekend for good times sake. Maybe I'll go poolside and admire all the fully clothed girls here in Fort Collins.

12:52 PM  

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