Monday, October 31, 2005

Who feels like drinking?

Hey kids, how is everyone? So, I am currently in Portland, OR (sans job) and am heading down to L.A. next weekend for the beginning of my random "California in November" tour. However it is a long way down there and I think I will be forced to stop and drink some beer along the way. Man, I wish I had some friends that made beer somewhere in the middle of California where I could stop and drink. Hmmm....this is harder than paper II. So, yeah, I'm going to be around the Bay Area at least twice in October, with no schedule and a mean thirst for tasty beers. Anyone interested in a drinking buddy should email me


Blogger Eric said...

Who do you think you are, Michael Poley? Oh wait, what do I care, because passing paper 2 doesn't get you a job. HA!

Can't say New Glarus is anywhere near the Bay area, but if anyone ever makes it up here, feel free to stop on in.

5:02 PM  
Blogger BrewerJeff said...

Oh my god! She's alive! I guess you made it back from Thailand. do you get lost on a beach somewhere?

Speaking of middle Cali...I have an interview with Trumer this Thursday. Who knows? Maybe I'll be the next to join the California ranks

9:40 AM  
Blogger Eric said...

Jeff... are you interviewing for Fozzy's job? Anyways, I'm sure Darren would appreciate the company now that Hairic is gone.

4:36 PM  
Blogger sethatuml said...

If you weren't there, you cannot possibly fully comprehend the insanity that took place. Some moments are so powerful that they will affect your life forever. Seeing the Fozzy meltdown/declaration of mushroom love was one of those moments.

9:21 PM  
Blogger Kari said...

Wait, wait....Hairic worked there? No way.

Oh yes, I am alive. I have been back for a bit (1 month) but only recently got back on the internet bandwagon. But if anyone really is going to be in the middle of California soon they should call me. No joke.

10:24 PM  
Blogger sethatuml said...

Wait, did I say Fozzy? I meant Ralph the Dog. That was the meltdown. I think I suffer from Muppet Dyslexia. It's a documented condition.

6:32 AM  
Blogger BrewerJeff said...

So I had my interview with Lars this morning. He offered me Fozzy's position, except this is a full time position. I wouldn't start until Jan 9th. I'm gonna sit back with a beer and think about it before I make a decision. I would love to move back to Califinia!

10:52 AM  

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