Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Tag, you're it

So, yeah, I'm building a brewpub in Joseph, Oregon. (Google maps link here.) I worked for Terminal Gravity for a year, it was a pretty crazy place. "Flying by the seat of the their pants," is a gross understatement. I was digging it, there were 2 cool owners (out of 3) and was living in an amazing place.
Then I tore (snapped, disconnected from the bone) my ACL while skiing. Jumping at the opportunity, the lame (alcoholic, creepy, sexual harassing, egomaniacal, 51%) owner, fired me, about a week before my knee surgery, without discussing it with any of the other owners. Needless to say, I don't like the guy very much.
After I was "fired and crippled" I spent a couple of long, dark, and slightly fuzzy (thank goodness for painkillers) winter months stuck on my couch, wondering what I was going to do with my life. Luckily, during some part of that time I decided that the little tourist town, 6 miles closer to the mountains from Enterprise, could really benefit (as could I) from a brewpub. Thus, Mutiny Brewing Company was born. (Think you guys knew about the name when I was at Davis, but after what went down the name got even better.) With financial help I bought a building that had been a bakery/restaurant and (eventually) started renovations.
My system is going to be tiny (4 Bbls) compared to the rest of y'alls brewhouses. It can get pretty dead here in the winter, so I figured it was better to brew more in the summer (and maybe take in a Davis intern once in a while) than let the yeast die during the winter, when I might not be brewing very much.
That's about where I am at right now. Seth is right, I will/do try to keep tabs on everyone via Facebook, but I do have a blog for my place at

Speaking of big news, did anyone else see that Eric is ENGAGED! I am so happy for you. And from the looks of it (via some facebook stalking) she is quite cute....nice work! Okay, that is enough with the exclamation points, but I am a girl, I get excited about these things.

Who else reads the blog? It's your turn to post something.



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