Saturday, April 30, 2005

I would smoke all the time...

I know a lot of you might have seen this already, but I couldn't help myself. I couldn't stop laughing when I first saw this. I'll warn you that it contains nudity and some drug use.

Where's my lighter?

Where I'm from...

This is a story from the town next to where I live. It's a classy place.

Steak for Sex?

About two years ago, the Superintendant of the local school district got arrested for trying to solicit sex from an undercover officer in the same town.

NASCAR to serve beer in plastic cans...

Ok, so not really, but it'd still be funny. Appearantly people from the south who drink coors don't like Jeff Gordon... then again, I don't know anyone who likes Jeff Gordon... or NASCAR.


Friday, April 29, 2005

Money in the Bathtub

UC-Davis Olive Oil

Taking one for the team...

You need to read the whole story for all of the theories. Stand back and be sure to where some glasses.


What's red and green and goes 100 miles per hour?

Why, a frog in a blender, of course!

To hell with the brewing industry, this is the beverage business I really want to be involved in!

But seriously, who comes up with this stuff? And why??

Thursday, April 28, 2005

A new twist on an old story...

Teacher Charged With Unlawful Sexual Conduct With Student

After a breif skimming of this article, I didn't find it too interesting. Then I noticed the use of pronouns and realized where the difference lies.

And apparently, in Maine, licking earlobes in considered "sexual conduct." Seeing as this is pretty much exactly how 50% of porno movies start, I move that all charges be dropped under terms of total awesomeness. Unless of course that these two were the type that Jeff does not want to wake up to, then they should be sent to jail with no chance of parole.

That's no wet dream...

I really wouldn't complain if I woke up to this. Maybe if the chick was morbidly obese or if she was just horrible at it.

That's no wet dream

What did you assholes do to the blog?!

Is it working? I can't tell. Anyways, what's going on this weekend?

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Trumer Internship

I'll post all of the contact information at the bottom, but here are the facts. The internsip is at Trumer Brauerie in Berkeley. The work is in the brewing department with experience in brewing, cellaring, filtration, and some packaging. When the packaging line is running, everyone at the brewery participates. They have a nice modern Krones bottling line and should have their automatic racking line set up by summer time. I'm not sure what the pay will be for you, but I was offered $10/ hour working 40 hour week (only Monday through Friday) with overtime ranging from 0 to 5 hours per week (time and a half). They brewed a little under a 1000 barrels last year, but they weren't open the whole year. Its a great looking brewery for sure. A lot of modern equipment and very clean. I believe they will help you find housing or even put you up in a place. They offered me a room at an extended-stay hotel 1.5 miles from the brewery. If you are interested, contact them as soon as possible!!! Lars is expecting replies soon.

Lars Larson, Head Brewmaster
Trumer Brauerei
1404 Fourth Street
Berkeley, CA 94710

Good Luck!

All you ever wanted me to know about hop extract...

It's too bad no one directed me to these web pages earlier in the week, as then I wouldn't have made such a fool of myself today in class. I thought I might take the time to turn my tradgedy into your good fortune. The following are links to hop extract manufacturers, each of which gives a breif explanation of the production and use... of course, I'm sure HBSY does it just as well... only with out the pictures.

John Haas
Yakima Chief
Hop Union

You'll notice on Hop Union's home page, there is a picture of Terrance Sullivan (of Sierra Nevada fame) making a hop addition... he also is sporting a huge pony tail.

Take me out to the ballgame...

I forgot to mention it in class today (too distracted by the baby related talk), but I was thinking about having brewers night out at the ballpark!

(Warning: Alterior Motive Coming)

The Red Sox are playing in Oakland May 15,16, and 17, (Mon, Tue, and Wed) and I definately must go to one of these games. But I am very afraid that if I go alone that I will torn to shreads by rabid Oakland fans. Bleacher seats are under $10 a ticket, and the staduim is really easy to get to (about an hour drive).

So, anyone interested in a little public beer consumption at a sporting event?

Monday, April 25, 2005

When you've said, "Wisconsin"...

In honour of our (some of our) interviews with Bud tomorrow, and in combination with Darren's Badger posts, I thought it only fitting to link a wonderful Wisconsin band tribute to Wiscsonsin, err I mean Bud, yeah, the Budweiser Song...

Just What the Doctor Ordered

"Will the doctors become the beer dictators and become overwhelmed by those who are thirsty because they are sick, or merely sick with thirst?"

Man, prohibition must have sucked. Good thing we only have to read about it... and I'm sick with thirst... can we drink now?

I need my fix!

50 largest US breweries

I'm sure most of you have probably seen this, but I wanted to publish it so there is no arguing. These numbers are based on 2004 barrelage. It also makes no distinction between microbreweries, macrobrewies, and all the rest.

Ever been to a foam party...

I've heard stories about foam parties. People got crazy and freaky beneath the layer of foam. I wonder what these people were doing?

It's a can. No, it's a bottle!

Apparently it's a can AND a bottle. For some reason I don't think I'll be carrying one of these things around any time soon...


Can I get that in a canottle?

Saturday, April 23, 2005

The Best Page In The Universe

This man may be the best comedic writer on the internet. Who am I kidding? He absolutely is the best. If you get offended easily, I suggest avoiding this page like the plague. For example, here are some of the titles of his rants:

How to kill yourself like a man
Looking for a safe stance on abortion? Me neither
Bill O'Reilly is a big blubbering vagina

and possibly the greatest article ever,

Love your kids? Prove it by beating them.

It's good stuff!

BTW, I still have a headache from last night's supreme alcohol consumption festival at Darren's place. Time for an advil sandwich...


Friday, April 22, 2005

I say we kick Minnesota out of the Union

Who's with me?

Minnesota proposes tax increase on beer.

Check out line 13.32.

(And yes, I do get all my links from fark.)

Michael Jackson vs. Little Boys

Here's a fun game to waste time. I heard about it on "Celebrity Justice." The first few levels are easy, but the night mission is pretty hard. Enjoy!

Thursday, April 21, 2005

A Point Of Brew

Dr. Lewis wrote an article for the Davis Enterprise entiltled, "A Point Of Brew," which appeared today, but doesn't yet seem to be on the paper's website. I'll bring in the hardcopy to class, and will be sure to post it to the blog as soon as it's available.

Wicked Pissah

Seth: I just sent that invite and you joined quick! Good work, here's to you.

My God, we're online now?

Like I didn't have enough distractions from reading Hough Briggs Stevens Young Lewis Bamforth Smith Jones Blah Blah et al. before... Now we're just going to sit around making Family Guy reference jokes on this site all day long. I wonder if I can check these posts from my cell phone from the classroom...

BTW, if for some strange reason, anyone ever needs to get ahold of me via the ease of the internet, my AIM name is sethatuml, just like every other one of my computer based names. Typically I leave my computer on 24 hours a day and just use AIM as my answering machine.


Enough already. Everyone is invited...

I should feel like this more often... and people should post pictures like this. Posted by Hello

Warren Buffett is buying up A-B

Hooray, the blog is two days old!  Posted by Hello

This guy needs a job.

We should go back to Chico and get some more beer... or just go to the liquor store. Posted by Hello

PBR is good, and Kari can't post things.

Darren, Andrew and I consumed a few PBR's last night, Kari can't post anything on the site, and we're all going to Taqueria tonight... right? Right!

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Where are you people?

C'mon, it's been like almost an hour since I created this thing. I can't believe people have better things to do than check thier email.

Hey Brewer Type Friends...

So Kari and Jeff finally got on my case enough that I finally created this silly blog. Anyways, have you all seen the new google "history search" feature? Sounds scary, and has nothing to do with beer.