Monday, October 31, 2005

Who feels like drinking?

Hey kids, how is everyone? So, I am currently in Portland, OR (sans job) and am heading down to L.A. next weekend for the beginning of my random "California in November" tour. However it is a long way down there and I think I will be forced to stop and drink some beer along the way. Man, I wish I had some friends that made beer somewhere in the middle of California where I could stop and drink. Hmmm....this is harder than paper II. So, yeah, I'm going to be around the Bay Area at least twice in October, with no schedule and a mean thirst for tasty beers. Anyone interested in a drinking buddy should email me

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Death Star Schematic Delivered...Part Dos

Those schematics of the Death Star worked. We've found its weak spot.

Dun da dun

Gingerbread Beer


I'm making some holiday beer for my graduation this December. Can you send me your award winning ginger bread beer recipe? I would appreciate it. Thanks.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Changing Peeber?

Apparently the price of Tettenang hops are going up. Because of this, the makers of a certain beer with the initials PBR are looking at ways of phasing them out. A certain brewery that I may or may not work at is running trail runs of special batches with the new hop recipies to find a suitable replacement. More on this story as it develops...

Let's go to Fred Miller's

I was sick of that video playing every time I visited the blog. Here's the link if you still want to watch it. Hopefully this will result in more people posting.

Fox Hat

How Gasparini Got Me Killed... Almost

So last night I'm having this dream, I don't know, I'm in a parking lot or something somewhere in Colorado. Well, anyways, I apparently didn't have a car there, so I walk outside, which just happens to be the top of a mountain... Oh, and it's really snowy. So who pulls up? That's right, it's Matt, and he is still driving the hyundai. So I hop in, and we get on the road to start our descent of the mountain. Unfortunately for us, the road is extremely icy, and before Matt has even released his foot from the brake, we start sliding down the mountain. His foot, of course, remains on the brake. The car, however, is picking up speed and headed in a straight line... One which doesn't exactly line up with the road. At this point the car hurdles over the edge and Matt does that funny giggle, after which he apologizes. Sooner than I expect, the car impacts the side of the mountain - due to the snow and the angle of the slope the is saved, although it's tumbling down hill. Matt is being tossed about quite a bit, as he's not wearing his seatbelt. Then all of the sudden the car hits a tree and stops, too bad we're buried in snow and upside down... and that's about when I wake up and realize there's quite a bit of time before I need to go to work.

The moral of the Story:
Let's keep this blog alive... Oh and wear your safety belt.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Listen Up...

Seems that there's been a mistake in the GABF results. Anyways, as far as awards taken from Steve Dressler go, I much prefer my Iron Brewing Challenge certificate...

Read all about it...

or just check out the info on the Brewer's Association homepage...